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The bar and column widgets, comprehend the Bar graphic type, grouped Bar and stacked Bar, Column, grouped Column and stacked Column and N Top have properties common to all graphics and specifics.



V0013- H&M_ManUsu_ModeladodeWidgetsII_img3

Specific Properties



Indicates the incorporation of the data series description.

If this property is selected, it must also indicate:

Select up, down, left, right.

If up or down position is selected, it allows to indicate right, center or left alignment.



Allows to choose between the flat or rounded representation of the data series.



Indicates whether the series are grouped or interleaved.


Allows to indicate whether the labels corresponding to the data series are displayed.



Allows to highlight the area of data series in a gradient or solid way.



If this property is selected, when using the widget on a dashboard, the descriptive name is displayed.

In this case it must also indicate:


Allows to locate the title in the upper or lower sector of the widget area.


Allows to position the title to the right, center, or left, within the widget area.

Example of Use

In this column or bar graphic the series types of industry and origin are displayed at the same time, so as to make a comparative analysis of the total sum of CRM accounts.





The source code to model this graphic is detailed.



V0022 - H&M_ManUsu_FuentesIndicadores_img4



In the "Source" tab, each orange box represents the code for a particular step.

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