The metric type widget, have properties common to all graphics and specifics.
Specific Properties
Allows to incorporate an image displayed as a background, inside the widget. It is incorporated in the same way as the icon of the "General" tab.
Background color
Allows to modify the background color of the widget, selecting from the color palette.
Icon color
Allows to modify the icon color, selecting from the color palette.
If this property is selected, when using the widget on a dashboard, the descriptive name is displayed.
In this case it must also indicate:
Allows to locate the title in the upper or lower sector of the widget area.
Allows to position the title to the right, center, or left, within the widget area.
Example of Use
This metric graphic shows the number of accounts entered during a selected period and for the users indicated in the filter.
The source code to model this graphic is detailed.
In the "Source" tab, each orange box represents the code for a particular step.