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Documentation 8.6

Author Optaris - 12/1/2023

The records are displayed chronologically in ascending order. The user can change the initial sorting and also set different search criteria.






Date and Time

Indicates the date and time when the action event of the modeled object is executed.


Object Type

The object types can be: "Form", "Process" and "Advanced rule".



The action defined for each object type.



Determines when each action starts and ends (START / END). A record is displayed with “Start” and another with “End”.



It is the name of the object that made the action.



Depending on the action performed, the object identifier is displayed, for example in processes it is the case number.



Includes the descriptive messages depending on the action performed, in different situations.

The descriptive message is logged for failed completion events. It can be the result of a validation or an unexpected error, in the latter case its stack is displayed.



It is the user that performs the action.



It is the duration in milliseconds of the action executed. Values ​​are only displayed when the event is “Ends”.



Displays the type of level of the actions executed.

Possible Values:

INFO: shows all information actions.

WARNING: shows actions that took longer than expected.

ERROR and CRITIC: show actions with errors.



It is the name of the application of the object to which it belongs.


Access Type

It is the type of access that the user uses. This type of access can be from: Web portal (WEB), Rest API (REST), SDK or internal workflow calls (DEYEL).


IP Client

It is the IP with which the user accesses Deyel from the Web browser


# Execution

It is a unique identifier automatically generated for each execution performed by the user and for each of the actions that may have been triggered by such execution. All actions and events generated by the action requested by the user are identified by the same value in this column.



It is the name of the browser used by the user.

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