Date and Time
Retrieve information related to dates and times and carry out operations with them.
Descriptive Name |
Description |
Example |
Current Year |
Returns the current year. |
year() |
Difference Between Work Days |
Returns the difference in business days between 2 past dates as parameters. |
difBetweenWorkDays(dateFrom,dateTo) |
Difference in Time |
Returns the time difference between 2 times entered as parameters. The format must be HH:MM:SS. |
difInTime(timeFrom,timeTo) |
Difference in Minutes between Times |
Returns the difference in minutes between 2 times entered as parameters. The format is HH:MM:SS. |
difInMinutes(timeFrom,timeTo) |
Difference between Days |
Returns the difference in days between 2 dates entered as parameters. The format is DD/MM/YYYY. |
diffBetweenDays(dateFrom,dateTo) |
Current Day |
Returns the current day. |
day() |
In between Dates |
Validates that a date falls within a valid date range. The format is DD/MM/YYYY. |
inBetweenDates(Datep,StartDatep,pEndDate) |
Current Date |
Returns the server current date. |
Date() |
Local Date |
Returns the local date according to the user's time and time zone. |
localDate() |
Current Time |
Returns the server current time. |
time() |
Local time |
Returns the local time according to the user's time zone. |
localTime() |
Current Month |
Returns the current month. |
month() |
Month Name |
Returns the name of the month according to the number entered. |
monthName(monthnumber) |
Add days |
Returns the date obtained as a result of adding days to a date. |
addDays(StartDatep,Daysp) |
Add work days |
Returns the date obtained as a result of adding days to a date. Adds only work days.
Last business day of the month |
Returns the last business day of the month of the date entered as a parameter. |
lastWorkDay(pDate) |
Subtract days |
Returns the date obtained as a result of subtracting days to a date. |
subtractDays(pDate, pDays) |
Current time and date |
Returns the current time and date of the server. |
dateAndTime() |