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Documentation 8.6

Author Optaris - 11/13/2023

The chat bar contains users icons and the chats in which the user participates. The bar can be displayed expanded.




New Message tedis_nuevo_mensaje


It allows to open a window to select the recipient to send a new message, by using a wizard.

Full Screen IconoPantallaCompleta


It allows switching to the full screen Tedis interface, in a new browser tab. It has the same functionalities as the chat window.




Expanded Bar


The chat bar can be displayed using the search icon icon-9879853478ggs87br-435i, enabling tabs for messages and users. The bar returns to its original state when the cursor is moved away from it.


In this tab, users conversations can be displayed in chronological order, with the most recent ones at the top.






This tab displays the users of Deyel, first those that are connected and then those that are not. In both groups, in ascending alphabetical order.





Connection State


Both in the messages tab and in the users tab, the connection state is displayed next to the user's name. The possible connection states are:


L0101-~1_img19 Connected

L0101-~1_img20 Not available

L0101-~1_img21 Absent

L0101-~1_img22 Disconnected


The connection state can be modified from the user profile.  

Search Users/Chats icon-9879853478ggs87br-435i

In the users tab, the icon allows users to be searched by first and last name, while in the messages tab, search can be done by message content or by the name of a group conversation.

The result of users or conversations is filtered as text is entered in the search line.

Load more Conversations icon-tedis-55578ggs87bo


In the users tab, the icon allows to add users to the bar, while in the messages tab it allows to add previous conversations.

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