The repeater element allows to display a set of retrieved instances by a data source, unlike other elements that only allow a single instance to be displayed.
Visually it is similar to the layout element but only the first item can be modified and a data source must be defined. Such item repeats as many times as instances are obtained from the data source.
If the items included in the repeater show information on the instances of the data source defined in it, such source must be previously configured.
The element properties are represented by icons in its context menu, where its operations are also available.
Structure Properties
The structure properties panel of an element opens when selecting the icon of the context menu.
Allows to align the element by selecting one of the available icons.
• Align to the left.
• Align to horizontal center.
• Align to the right.
• Align up.
• Align vertical center.
• Align bottom.
All size properties can be expressed in pixels (px), percentage (%), viewport width (vw), and viewport height (vh). Additionally, for Width and Height properties, the “auto” option is added.
Position Type
Possible Values
•Default: The element has a relative position with respect to the superior element where it was placed (container or section).
•Fixed: Fixes the element to the page so that it is always visible in the same position. It allows to increase the visibility of important content.
Determines the vertical and horizontal position of elements within the page section or container, when the screen is resized.
Although the modeler automatically docks the element when it is added, it can also be configured in order to be docked to any side (to the top, bottom, left, right, or even in the center of the section or container it is in). Just click on the arrows or in the center of the side to be docked to.
It allows to define the distance of elements from the borders of their top element. The behavior of margins depends on the docking of the element. It can be expressed in pixels (px), percentage (%), viewport width (vw), and viewport height (vh).
Distance to the top border of the highest ranking element.
Distance to the bottom border of the highest ranking element.
Distance to the left border of the highest ranking element.
Distance to the right border of the highest ranking element.
Allows the value entered in one of the margins to be copied to the other ones automatically.
Allows to indicate different values for each margin.
Name used to reference the element during modeling.
Uniquely identifies the element. It is used in the Javascript SDK.
Style Properties
The style properties panel of an element opens when selecting the icon of the context menu.
All padding space properties allow you to create a space around the borders (top, bottom, sides) and the bottom elements. It can be expressed in pixels (px), percentage (%), viewport width (vw), and viewport height (vh).
Items Gap
Defines the gap between the repeater items.
Allows values entered in one of the paddings to be copied to the other ones automatically.
Allows to indicate different values for each padding.
Configuration Properties
The configuration properties panel of an element opens when clicking the icon of the context menu.
When executing a page the items scroll within the repeater as the forward and back icons are pressed. The number of items are visualized initially on the tape depending on the repeater size.
Data Source
Allows to select the form from which the data is retrieved to be displayed in the repeater.
Allows to select the direction in which the items within the example are displayed.
Possible Values
If the page is used from a desk the icons and
that indicate the advance or regression of the items on the tape must be selected. If it is used from a touch breakpoint, the “None” option can be selected to scroll.
If “Arrows” is the selected value the properties enabled are Position and Alignment.
Possible Values
Position and Alignment
It selects the position of the scroll icons within the repeater.
Possible Values
•If for the property Position the values “Inset” and “Outset” are selected, the possible values of the property Alignment are: “Top”, “Center”, “Bottom”.
•If for the property Position the values “Top” or “Bottom” are selected, the possible values of the property Alignment are: “Left”, “Center”, “Right”.
Different form the tape, items page into the repeater as the forward and back icons are pressed. The number of items is displayed initially in the repeater depending on the modeled values in the Columns and Rows properties.
Data Source
Allows to select the form from which the data is retrieved to be displayed in the repeater.
Allows to define the number of columns in the repeater.
Allows to define the number of rows in the repeater.
Allows to select the direction in which the items within the example are displayed.
Possible Values
Allows to select if the icons or
that indicate the progress or regression of the items in the repeater are visualized.
Possible Values
Position and Alignment
It selects the position of the scroll icons within the repeater.
Possible Values for Position
•Inside Top
•Inside Bottom
Possible Values for Alignment