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Navigation: Manual del Usuario > Configuration > Security

Specific Security Functions

A security function represents an operation that can be realized on an object. It can be included in one or more permits thus authorizing, the users that have those permits, to realize such operation.


Every operation available in Deyel or in its solutions, has a corresponding security function defined. Besides, every object that is modeled has a set of security functions, that is automatically created, when saving and publishing the object.


Of Modeling

They authorize the execution of the modeling operations, such as save, publish, export and delete.

They are generated when saving the object and its assignment to permits has an immediate impact when saving or publishing an object.


Of Use

They authorize the execution of the executions on the instances of the objects, like create, modify, delete, show, when they are used from the portal.

They are generated when the object is published. The modifications in the assignment of use functions do not have a real impact on the use of the object, until it is published.


The security functions can be shown or assigned to a permit from the option “Permits” on the menu and particularly the security functions of the modeled objects, from the object´s modeler as well.






Descriptive Name

Complete name of the security function.This text is the one visualized on the grid of security functions..



It is an abbreviated name. It is used when referring to the security function in an error message or in any mention that needs to abbreviate the descriptive name.



Indicates the applications to which the security function belongs to, it coincides with the application of his father function.



It indicates the edition of Deyel or the licensed application required for the execution of the function.
Some functions are available only in the Enterprise edition of Deyel or Professional of the solutions.


Type of License

Indicates the type of license the user needs to have assigned in order to execute the function. It is used for functions of Deyel or licensed applications.



Property where more detail of the security function is found, extending what was expressed in the property Descriptive Name.


Father Function

Allows to identify the superior security function inside the hierarchical structure.
There exists a father function for each available solution and for each modeled application.


It has Sublevels

Indicates that the security function has subordinated functions.


Access Audits

When the value “YES” is defined an entry is generated in the audit register each time a user executes the security function.

Using the Logs Console these audit trails can be recovered and evaluate the use of the different security functions.


Audits for Errors

When the value “YES” is defined an entry is generated in the audit register each time a mistake occurs during the execution of the security function.

Using the Logs Console these audit trails can be recovered and evaluate the occurrence of these type of mistakes.

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