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This submenu is opened by pressing the icon immediately to the right of the icon corresponding to "Save".



V0022 - H&M_ManUsu_ListadeValoresIII_img7

C00035~1_img9 Eliminar


Permite eliminar el objeto solamente si se encuentra en estado “Borrador”.



V00002 - H&M_ManUsu_Import_exportPicture4_img1 Exportar


This icon opens a window for the user to select and confirm the export of the object.



V0022 - H&M_ManUsu_ListadeValoresIII_img8




In this property a text explaining the reason for the operation can be entered.
This text can be modified upon import and is displayed in the description column of the export record.


Objetos Exportados

Desplegando el contenedor, se visualiza el objeto que se exporta.


Se debe presionar el botón “Cancelar” para dejar la exportación sin efecto o el botón “Exportar” para finalizar.

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