Processes modeling > Modeling the execution of a process
The second side panel tab of the standard activity or task corresponds to execution information and it is presented for manual, user or undefined activities.
Allows modeling users to define behaviors of the activity and form fields, according to the action performed. There must be at least one form previously associated with the process.
Definition of Execution
Displays the form name used in the current activity.
Action performed on the form in this activity.
Displays the form in show mode. Fields cannot be edited.
Creates a new form instance that is related to the case. When there is an instance already created, it works like the "Modify" action.
Displays the existing form and allows to modify the fields defined as editable.
This option allows the task to be executed not only from My Tasks, but also from the Chat of Deyel.
Selecting this checkbox expands the properties panel to configure the actionable message.
●Who will send the message?
The sender of the message is informed. This field has the facility to autocomplete. As characters are entered into this field, the first five matches dynamically appear to select one of them.
●Message content
Text of the message to be displayed from the chat.
Allows to select functions from a list to incorporate dynamic information into the field.
Allows to incorporate information on entities that participate in the process execution to the message content. For example, in the Refund Request process, the request date can be incorporated in the message, this data is available in the date field of the Refund Request form.
●What fields can the user complete?
Using the "Drag and Drop" function, fields are moved from the form fields area to the fields area to complete.
The fields to be completed are presented in the chat so that the user can complete them.
Save Partially
A button is included in the form to save the values entered by the user without having to execute the activity.
Advanced Settings
To show this container, an action to do must have been previously defined.
Presents the tabs:
Inverts the values of the Editable property, for all the fields displayed in the list. If it becomes limited by the search filter, the modification affects only the filtered cases.
As characters are entered to the field, it automatically filters the list of fields whose Label or Name properties, indistinctly, match the text being entered.
Form Fields
List of form fields according to the filter applied, showing the labels. Certain properties can be modified.
The modeled properties are displayed, whether they have been updated in the form modeler, or in the activity itself. Properties are updated simply by checking or unchecking them.
If there are properties or rules established in the form and the user modifies any of them in the activity, these definitions overwrite exclusively the modified properties and rules, selected in the form, only for the execution of that task.
If a form rule or property is overwritten in an activity, subsequent modifications of the overwritten properties in the form have no impact on the behavior already defined in the activity.
Indicates if the field is required during the activity execution and if it has any required rule defined.
Indicates if the field remains visible in the activity and if it has any visibility rule defined.
Indicates if the field is editable for the activity that is being defined and if it has any editability rule defined.
Indicates whether a validation rule exists.
Indicates whether a calculation rule exists.
For each type of rule
•If there is a rule defined in the form, the rule icon is displayed in blue.
•If there is a rule defined in the activity, the rule icon is displayed in light blue.
This tab presents the list of form containers. Properties can be updated.
Container properties follow the same behavior as field properties. They can be overwritten in the activities, this means that it is possible to redefine the properties Visible and Expanded.
Indicates that the container remains visible during the activity execution and whether it has an associated visibility rule.
Indicates that the container displays the full content in the activity.
Modifies Item
Only for iterative containers. Indicates if iterative occurrences can be added or deleted.
Edit in Modeler
Press the button to access the edition of the entire form associated with the activity.
To access the complete configuration panel for each field, click on the icon that appears when hovering over them.
Press to return from the form edit mode.