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The properties of the dashboards can be entered both at the time of their creation and when modifying an existing one.


Entering the dashboard properties panel is done using the icon MJ0004~1_img5 which is in the top toolbar.



V0024 - H&M_ManUsu_IndicadoresyTableros_img16

General Tab



Descriptive Name

It is the name visualized from the dashboard.



It is the dashboard´s name. It does not allow blanks or special characters. It is unique and required.



It is the internal dashboard´s name. It is automatically generated.



It is the name of the application to which the dashboard belongs. It is not required, just as it happens with the rest of the modeled objects.



The icon n_solapa_guardar_salir is used to confirm the modifications made in the properties panel.


The icon n_solapa_cerrar is used to close the properties panel, if it was not previously saved, changes are discarded.

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