Grid and Filters
Allows you modeling the columns that are displayed in the instance grids. The default columns of the grid correspond to those fields that have been configured with the property Included in Grid marked. New fields can be added by pressing the icon and its order can be modeled by dragging the columns to exchange their positions.
In forms with only one associated process, when modeling the result grid, information from its execution can be used.
Properties Related to the Execution of the Process
Case Activity
It is the activity of the process in which the case is.
Responsible for the Case
Refers to the user, role or office that the case has pending on its task list.
Case Status
Possible states are displayed in colors.
•Active: Green
•Finalized: Blue
•Cancelled: Red
•Discontinued: Gray
The definition of filters allows to enrich the search variants that are carried out on the form instances. Each filter corresponds to a field on the form and incorporates an additional criterion by which a user can search for instances.
Pressing the icon located below the list of selected filters, the window for selecting them opens.